The Origins of Fenit Town Hall
Fenit Town Hall grew from a community-driven interest in being centrally involved in strategic and operational decisions that will shape the village for years to come. In late 2020, villagers were becoming concerned about the lack of opportunity to input critical decisions concerning the village. On Thursday, the 14th January 2021, the first Fenit Town Hall meeting took place via Zoom to gauge local interest. Town Hall meetings bring together the community, public representatives, and local government, and the very first meeting did just that. After the first meeting, Fenit Town Hall established itself as a proactive, inclusive platform for discussion and information sharing with actions driven by community interest. Town Halls meetings or all-hands means everyone is welcome.
Fenit is on the cusp of change, and a forum for sharing views and concerns is critical. The Greenway and purchase by Kerry County Council of the village centre field are two significant developments that will significantly impact village life. Residents are keen to contribute to the sustainable development of Fenit. Focusing on sustainability can help unlock the village’s potential as a place of choice to live, work or a destination to visit. Provision for an attractive environment with a unique sense of place, public realm and amenity that captures the maritime heritage of Fenit is one of several pillars the residents hope will form part of the short-, medium- and long-term priorities for the village.
If you would like to contact Fenit Town Hall, you can email them at
Fenit Town Hall Core Values & Principles
Honesty Integrity Transparency Democracy Dignity & Respect Equality Ethics | Consultative Strengths-Based Rights-based Positive Progressive Custodians |
We established a management committee and constitution to reflect the organisation’s purpose. Given the diverse nature of interests in Fenit Town Hall Activities, a structure was put in place to enable parallel activities to progress in synchronicity. The core group consists of the Management Committee and technical support team. Subgroups leads are also part of the core group, but they have devolved responsibility to deliver results.
All subgroups subscribe to the following cross-cutting themes:
- Everyone and every agenda has its place
- All development respects human rights, equality and inclusion
- Prioritise sustainable development
- Promote Irish language and culture
- Respect maritime heritage
Here is a list of the subgroups:
- Historical Group
- St. Brendan’s Heritage
- Signage/Wayfaring
- Lighthouse
- Coastal Erosion
- Sand Dunes
- Infrastructure/Parking
- Events
- O’Sullivan’s Pub
- Water Safety & Awareness
At our AGM on 14th March 2022, the decision was taken to focus our efforts on a few core projects. Some of the subgroups formed their own independent groups while the management committee identified a few projects to concentrate their efforts on.
Survey Results
A recent survey taken by residents and regular visitors to Fenit outlined the future needs and concerns of the community.

Fenit respects its past, protects its place, fulfils its potential