The Draft Fenit Masterplan (proposed amendment no.1 to the Tralee MD LAP 2018-24) will be on public display and available for viewing on the County Council’s website from Wednesday 6th April to Wednesday 18th May 2022
The images below are taken from the masterplan. Click on them to enlarge.
- 2 options for O’Sullivan’s Field
- Greenway Terminus layout (Parking)
The full report can be seen on the KCC Consultation website –
Central Core (O’Sullivan’s Field)
Option 1:

Option 2:

Greenway Terminus
Car Park/Playground:

Public Viewing
Public display evening in Fenit Parish Hall Wednesday May 4th 2022 (5-8pm)
Viewing of the draft Masterplan etc ,Submissions/observations may be made online at the following link: