The Signage sub-group has been busy since January. Our main focus is the improve signage around the village and to this end we have a number of phases of work ongoing.
Phase 1 (almost complete) – focuses on entrance signs and covers 2 projects – a new information sign at the entrance to the village from the Tralee side and a decorative stone sign. The stone sign was made by Billy Leen with input from the signage group. It was installed by the council on May 12th and unwrapped on May 18th. The information sign has been commissioned and will hopefully be installed during the summer ahead of the Greenway opening hopefully later this year.
The stone depicts Naomh Bréanainn Loingseoir, Fenit’s most famous resident, St. Brendan the Navigator, born in Fenit circa 484. On a base of subtle waves and sea horses, the stone also shows light-bellied Brent geese, annual visitors to the village who feed on eel-grass in Barrow harbour. A shoal of fish and swirling waves highlight the importance of fishing to village life and the sometimes inclement conditions on Irelands West Coast. Fenit Harbour coordinates at 52°16’ N and 09°52’ W establish this beautiful small village in a big world.
Phase 2 (started) – focuses on place name signs including the beaches and on getting quotes for a new informational sign for the St. Brendan Heritage Park. This work is currently ongoing.
We have a number of future phases of work planned and will be collaborating with other sub-groups on their signage needs. The group currently has 10 active members, so if you are interested in getting involved in the signage group, then send an email to